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(3 edits)

I am loving the game so far. Roguelikes are one of my favorite genres of video games and this one has a very important reason to keep going back into the dungeon, have to feed your little sis!

My only question is how many bosses are currently implemented as of v0.7? I have beaten the first one, relatively easily too with the whirlwind attack. 

Other than the question I have no complaints, I love this game and keep coming back to play it every few days. Currently I am trying different combinations of food to see what makes food and what makes... a purple mess.

Oh, I have noticed with this new update that sometimes the player model gets stuck in animations sometimes, namely the dash animation and the whirlwind attack if you use it for too long to the point you fall to the floor. It isn't every time and is usually fixed by doing another dash or going through a load screen.

i bought the game for 15$ if i pay another 5$. am i able to get the CDkey? since you need to pay 20 for it 

Since I've encountered some issues with the Steam version during the review process, I think I won't be able to confirm anything about the Steam CDK until after September.

ok thanks for the response 

The game is very boring, nothing new.. I've been through it inside and out, I'm not sure what to do. I got all the hearts, but with every heart I get, nothing new happens, is there even an end here!? What's the ending?! How do I get all the scenes? I've been playing this game for over 21 hours, I'm tired! I want new experiences. For example, how to wake her up in the morning? How do I get a toilet scene and so on, and is there any sex at all? How many days can I reach the maximum? What else can I do with Imouto? What are the recipes? Tutorial on the scenes.



Uhm... Q: Where can I get potion for Imauto? And.. How to get this.. scene?

(2 edits)

to reply to ur question, if u mean the potion to put her in the heat, u get it by interacting with the candy machine at the archdemon's stall. u can either pay money or pay through salmons which u get when u throw a bomb into rivers. its a pink color candy. as for th scene, go bathe first > finish the shampoo (shud be 0%), > let imouto go shower > select option "do nothing" > she will call you > use the interaction buttons and ensure u select "call her out" to call her out of the bathroom. when she walks back in after u hand her the shampoo she will trip and fall and ull get this scene. hope this helps 

This is what comes with playing an unfinished game. We are basically amateur bug testers and 2nd hand idea sharers. 

If that is boring to replay the game every update, I suggest figuring out if you're interested in the game as a whole and then wait until it's completed or has a major influx of content before playing seriously.

I'm personally use to it and enjoy watching a game make it's way to being fully fleshed out but I also understand that's not for everyone.

is there legit sex sences at all

Not yet

how do you purchase from the archdemon? how many salmons do i've to give her?


examine the gachapon machine. 1 salmon or whatever price she has instead = 1 pull.

Spin....the gacha....revere.....the gacha....fear.....the gacha

How do you get the toilet scene

Find the archdemon on sunny days and either pay in money (usually 4k-5k) or give her salmon. If you're lucky, you'll get a pink candy. Drink milk with your sister at home and then choose to also eat the candy. There's a high chance of her going to the toilet afterwards.


No android?

if you have more than 3 purple hearts, is it still possible to get a handjob with the panties? or is it only possible to get direct?

what button for the camera and how do you fight unarmed?

F7 and be....unarmed i.e. don't equip a weapon.

what to do after defeating boss in forgotten catacomb?

When will you allow us to completely remove the shorts and panties when she's sleeping?


its already implemented. just progress ur relationship w her, and visit her at night. gradually u can remove her clothing. u can even make her face down ass up

I have a question, this game Will have a android version? It's really good, good game

How do i use the Joystation V? i bought it, but dont see an option to use it

nvm found it. just buy it and come back home without dying

Will you release 0.72 today?

When the game is fully released on steam will we have to re-purchase it again

Hi. How do i level up in this game?

(1 edit) (+1)

You don't. Find weapons and gear that compliment each other. Like stuff that increase attack power for melee, attack speed increase for bows and magic increase for staffs. A really good item to pair with bows is dropped by the fire spirit things, it  adds tracking to your arrows.

Sadly that absolute best item "Neko Punch" which added an extra arrow, increased attack speed and was stackable is much harder to find then it use to be. That item pretty much made the game unlosable by anything except the boss and player error.

Thank you very much. Bought the game coz I like their work, but I didn't understand anything ab combat. Im safe coz there is no perma-death. Are there specific skills u can use? Or is it just the senpo thing?


Hello, will there be a mobile version of this game






Where is the person selling game consoles in the maze


The bonfire literally at the start of the forest.

How to obtain the heart of a scarecrow

When is 0.72?


When mobile




(1 edit)



what can you do after you max out her harts 

how many can we get?


and what can you do 


i have 3 and only can touch her in the bath


when does the good part come

Typo “epeating this in my head”:

typo: “epeating this in my head”


Thanks for the heads-up, I’ve fixed it!





I play the game in englisch but the bath part is in chinese. why and how to fix?

Version 0.70D fixed this bug. You can update to 0.70D through auto-update.

how do you get salmon?


Throw bombs onto the river


why cant i download it



is there a way to go back into the room after she falls back asleep or does it stop you after too many headpats :(? after about day 6 i havent been able to 

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