I am wondering about the Archdemon Aki and salmon, I got salmon from the water but I cannot buy from the store, she keeps smelling the salmon and begging for it. I notice a progress bar on the left of the store, should it be moving with salmon charity?
game looks great and is a lot of fun to play but i have a ask one question:
i dont know if im just stupid, but after defeating the boss that looks like a giant blood beast and getting the first elixer for sister, i cant find how to progress the dungeon. are there more bosses in the game yet?
Right now, you can get some ingredients by attacking apple trees and mushrooms, and defeating orcs will drop meat. More ingredients haven’t been added yet.
Oh well, the wait will be worth it. The truth is, the game looks very promising. I'm not trying to pressure, just simple curiosity, but when will it be finished? Is there a planned release date?
65B has some few fps drops and now has a new problem which is that dialog options and sprites of sister now repeat themselves
-Edit 1: first bathroom sequence if you try and check the silouhet first you might get stucked in the dilog until it kicks you out and then black screan softlock
-Edit 2: lots of black screen used to transition now take a long time compared to previews version and sometimes forces you to reload the game.
-Edit 3: when trying the swordash ability it gave me an error message and thankfully didn't crash although it put my game back in widnowed and i wasn't abled to move until i dashed away
-Edit 4: Jack'o bombs don't seem to stack anymore as if you pick up more than one when you use it every bomb will disepear out of your inventory.
I saw that apparently updating to 0.65A fixes the low framerate in the dungeon?? I'll have to install that soon because holy shit, even with how bad it gets sometimes I LOVE this game so much. Having it run smoother in dungeons will be nice though 🤔 god the art is amazing, and I love making progress with Imouto. I just need to write a review
already downloaded but when i try get to the boss my fps drops to 2 frames and its imposible to me to finish the game and like in demo everything is normal no fps drops idk
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您好,我想在这里反映一下 V0.65B 的一些问题。首先,姐姐的好感度百分比存在一些问题,我觉得好感度的提升不是很直观。其次,如果姐姐在晚上困倦时玩游戏,很容易让一个姐姐坐在椅子上,另一个姐姐坐在屏幕右侧。另外,右边姐姐的图片有时候只有一半,一旦有两个姐姐,后续就会黑屏。你只能靠鼠标点击那些选项的原始位置,点击睡眠来触发睡到第二天早上 7 点带来的强制黑屏刷新之前的异常黑屏,然后姐姐洗澡时在浴室里。有时候瓦片周围的背景会变黑,有概率是沐浴里的姐妹瓦片在后还是会有异常。还有,我注意到深渊的 Boss 每隔几天就会刷新一次,我已经成功挑战了 Boss 四次,而且背包里有四个红色的碎片,这些重复的碎片还有其他功能吗?然后,有时掉落的物体会跑到其他层,比如山坡,即使被附近的蜗牛吸尘器吸走也无法捡起,有时在与怪物战斗时,它们会卡在一些地方,比如树木,角色会卡住并一直受到高伤害,这种伤害来自苹果猫的碰撞, 即使它已经离开了。伤害仍然存在,导致角色迅速流血和死亡。然后当我没有受伤回家时,姐姐给了我封条,这好像是连续 30 天才能拿到,如果有一天在受伤中间会被打断,就得重新开始,我觉得连续 30 天拿到封条太费时间了, 太难了,真心希望后续版本能优化此内容。这基本上就是我想反映的,还有一个好奇的问题是我什么时候可以和我姐姐发生性关系?我真的很喜欢这个游戏,希望制作团队能尽快优化各种bug,也希望能尽快玩完整版游戏,加油!
These issues will be improved in version 0.66.
Porque n lançao pra mobile?
So i gave sister the potion, how do i drink it?
Try bringing some milk home.
I made sister drink it but it says i need to drink it too. I don't know how
我操!国产的 冰
What software and hardware do you use to create the illustrations? What about the animations?
Is there a way to transfer save files?
You can transfer the save files from the SAVE folder in the WWW directory to the SAVE folder in the new version to carry over your save data.
How do i repair weapons? THE DUNGEON IS SO FUN! also what do i do with the joystation?
Weapons can’t be repaired. You just need to bring the Joystation home safely.
Is this a fully purchase yet, or when the game is official released there will be an increasing in price ?
Yep, no extra payments will be needed unless the workload ends up being way more than expected.
Really liking the art direction and the overall vibe! I look forward to the future release!
Game is wonderful! I get updates on Fanbox!
I am wondering about the Archdemon Aki and salmon, I got salmon from the water but I cannot buy from the store, she keeps smelling the salmon and begging for it. I notice a progress bar on the left of the store, should it be moving with salmon charity?
Have you updated to version 0.65B yet?
game looks great and is a lot of fun to play but i have a ask one question:
i dont know if im just stupid, but after defeating the boss that looks like a giant blood beast and getting the first elixer for sister, i cant find how to progress the dungeon. are there more bosses in the game yet?
This is all the content we have for now, and only one boss has been implemented so far.
thank you very much for the quick replay, looking forward to more content :)
sorry if this is an obvious question but ifs there a way to restock on food?
Right now, you can get some ingredients by attacking apple trees and mushrooms, and defeating orcs will drop meat. More ingredients haven’t been added yet.
Random question but how do I use the secret ability on the ancient glory sword?
Va estar en español
Will this game have android version?
Is the game already finished?
Not yet
Oh well, the wait will be worth it. The truth is, the game looks very promising. I'm not trying to pressure, just simple curiosity, but when will it be finished? Is there a planned release date?
I'm planning to release the full version of the game in June this year, but updates will continue afterward.
Great :D, I will definitely buy the game when it comes out. You have all my support, keep it up!!
what is the difference between red and purple hearts and what is the % above lil sis?
目前版本如果如果一直走时间,会不会在后续版本触发bad ending?
So random question, what rpgmaker version does this game use?
1+- Is there any scenes with penetration yet ?
2+- How do you get more red hearth than by spamming petting her head.
3+- If you try to dash+special spin move at the same time whislt in water game bugs
1 - No
2 - talk with her, play with her on JoyStation V
咋就说存档啥时候能通用啊0.61的复制到0.65晚上老是bug时间还没到就强制睡觉了 装备能不能搞成叠加的啊每次仍又麻烦
how do i get bathroom events, not just the bath ones
thanks for the info, hope new "events" are made soon lol, keep up the good work and please take your time too, don't overwork yourself :)
为了支付购买 刚刚信用卡被封了 还是没搞好 看来只有等上架steam了
如果只有中国 的支付方式,你k以在perohub购买游戏,支持支付宝和微信付款
已经2600日元支持了 等发CKD
65B has some few fps drops and now has a new problem which is that dialog options and sprites of sister now repeat themselves
-Edit 1: first bathroom sequence if you try and check the silouhet first you might get stucked in the dilog until it kicks you out and then black screan softlock
-Edit 2: lots of black screen used to transition now take a long time compared to previews version and sometimes forces you to reload the game.
-Edit 3: when trying the swordash ability it gave me an error message and thankfully didn't crash although it put my game back in widnowed and i wasn't abled to move until i dashed away
-Edit 4: Jack'o bombs don't seem to stack anymore as if you pick up more than one when you use it every bomb will disepear out of your inventory.
otherwise great update
I'll try to fix this issue in the next version.
Plz put on the phone plz
Those are default files from RPG Maker.
I saw that apparently updating to 0.65A fixes the low framerate in the dungeon?? I'll have to install that soon because holy shit, even with how bad it gets sometimes I LOVE this game so much. Having it run smoother in dungeons will be nice though 🤔 god the art is amazing, and I love making progress with Imouto. I just need to write a review
how do i get salmon?
Throw the bomb into the water.
still have 10 fps in dungeon 😢
or less
Update to 0.65A
already downloaded but when i try get to the boss my fps drops to 2 frames and its imposible to me to finish the game and like in demo everything is normal no fps drops idk
how to cook hamburger\hotdog?